With your help, we are now at 20% of our funding. Together, ZipString will become a reality in the hands of thousands. We thank you for all of your comments, support, and likes on all platforms of social media. This has been extremely motivating to us.
When we reach $85,000 in funding we will give all backers a free phosphorescent glow-in-the-dark string for those who backed a ZipString included package.
We want each one of you to be aware of our timeline - where we are now and where we are going! This helps us all stay on the same page. We will be updating it as we move along.
Coming shortly is our more detailed plan. Keep commenting and asking questions! We love hearing all of your ideas with ZipString. The glow-in-the-dark string was your idea and we cannot wait to see it through.
Until next time,
Team ZipString